M.S. in Engineering Science Plan of Study for Wind Power focus
M.S. in Engineering Science Plan of Study for Wind Power focus
The M.S. in Engineering Science with a Wind Power Plan of Study offers students and professionals an academic pathway to build expertise in wind power management and operations. The program is thoughtfully designed to ensure that even students without an engineering background can successfully engage with its courses and gain valuable knowledge and skills.
This credential equips graduates to pursue careers in the wind energy and power industries, as well as in government and NGO organizations focused on renewable energy. Potential roles include project officer, communication officer, business development director, external affairs officer, permitting program manager, renewable energy advisor, and more.
Two 600 Level Math Courses Required
MATH 661. Applied Statistics.
MATH 644. Regression Analysis Methods.
One 600 Level Science Course Required
EVSC 613. Environmental Problem Solving.
Two 600 Level Engineering Courses Required
ECE 671. Financing Offshore Wind
ECE 654. US Offshore Renewable Energy Policy.
Five electives from the following options
ECE 619. Intelligent Sensing for Smart Grid and Smart City.
ECE 637. Internet and Higher-Layer Protocols.
ECE 698 Power Grid Modernization.
ESC 690. Graduate Co-op Work Experience in Engineering Science.
ECE 670. Management Strategies in the Offshore Wind Industry.