E-mail may be used for general communication and questions about the department and programs. The e-mail address for the Department of Engineering Technology is: appliedengineeringnology@njit.edu
This E-mail may not be used for questions about your personal academic progress; direct these questions to your academic advisor.
SAET Support System - Please read
Requests for administrative support must be submitted through the support system, requests submitted over e-mail will be ignored. These requests include:
Registration Issues
Registration Permits
ECET Senior Project Application (Available after the class schedule is posted)
Click here to submit a Course Approval Form for this semester.
Free Tutoring in Writing
Free writing tutoring is now available. Make an appointment with Ms. Janet Bodner: bodner@njit.edu (Cullimore Hall 423, 973.596.5725) This service is provided by the Department of Humanities. It is not proofreading, but rather one-on-one tutoring for organization, grammar, documentation, and other aspects of your paper. Online tutoring is also available.
It is customary and often necessary for engineering students to need assistance with their papers. Schedule help early and avoid a possibly disappointing grade.