The greatest current need of U.S. education is for highly qualified teachers of science and technology at the secondary school level. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the shortage will intensify over the next decade as teachers of the “baby boom” generation retire. Technology-savvy teachers who are able to incorporate newly-developing educational methodologies and technologies into the curriculum are also in high demand.
Learning cognitive, manipulative, and affective learning strategies.
Applying technological knowledge and processes to real world experiences using up-to-date resources.
Working individually as well as in a team to solve problems (International Technology Education Association Standards).
Students may enter this program as a freshman, or transfer into this program from an Engineering Technology or Pre-Engineering program at a two year college. The program consists of 128 credits, with 30 credits of education at Rutgers University, Newark, including one semester of student teaching. This program will cover material in a variety of Engineering Technology disciplines.
Candidates for a teacher-education certificate must have a 2.8 cumulative grade point average to successfully complete their teacher education program. They also must pass the appropriate PRAXIS examination before the New Jersey State Department of Education will issue the appropriate certificate.