Learning Beyond the Classroom
Learning Beyond the Classroom
Professional & Honor Societies
Tau Alpha Pi
The Omicron Alpha Chapter of Tau Alpha Pi, the National Society for the Department of Engineering Technology is located at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. The society was founded in 1953 to provide recognition for high standards of scholarship among students in technical colleges and universities and to engender desirable qualities of personality, intellect, and character among engineering technology students by offering membership in the society to those with outstanding records. Tau Alpha Pi National Honor Society has affiliate chapters on the campuses of many of the country’s leading technical colleges and universities.
The society is intended to be for the engineering technology student what Phi Bet a Kappa is for the arts and sciences student and what Tau Beta Pi is for the engineering science student. Admission to Tau Alpha Pi is based solely on academic eligibility for both day and evening students. The criterion for admission requires a cumulative Grade Point Average of at least 3.5 after the completion of 30 credits of study. Also, admission is limited to the top 25 students in any year.
The current advisor to Tau Alpha Pi is Dr. Samuel Lieber, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Department of Engineering Technology, room 2510 GITC, 973.596.6368, lieber@njit.edu.
Student Chapter of the Associated Construction Contractors of NJ
The Student Chapter of the Associated Construction Contractors of NJ. is the student organization of the Construction Engineering Technology and Construction Management Technology programs. The chapter, which is affiliated with the New Jersey Building Contractors Association (NBCA) and the National Association of General Contractors (AC). The chapter has participated in a wide range of construction industry related activities such as Habitat for Humanity, the ASCE Concrete Canoe race and the AGC National Estimating competition.
The current advisor to the Student Society of Construction Contractors is John A. Wiggins, P.E., Construction Engineering Technology, Department of Engineering Technology, room 2107 GITC, 973.596.8193, wiggins@njit.edu.
ACI Student Chapter
The American Concrete Institute Student Chapter is the student organization of the Concrete Industry Management Technology program. This chapter is affiliated with the New Jersey American Concrete Institute (NJACI). The mission of the ACI-NJIT Student Chapter is to promote interest in concrete at NJIT and to increase the awareness of current trends, committees, and research in the concrete industry. The current advisor to the ACI Student Chapter is Mohamed Mahgoub, PhD, PE, Concrete Industry Management Technology, Department of Engineering Technology, GITC 2511, 973.596.6081, mohamed.a.mahgoub@njit.edu.
ACI Scholarships